Friday, February 20, 2009

Interact fake act out

I think it was a thursday, Ji Yan, one of 5 alpha students, also the secretary of the interact club of our school, was rushing for her Interact yearly report and needed help by us. She was doing a report about a valentine project last year. We sold candies and stuff. So we didn'y have the pictures and we have to 're-act' the scene so this is the outcome. We seriously look like idiots doing WTH stuff...

This is actually our school canteen, we begged the aunty to let us use her 'area' for a few minutes and even requested her to be out of the picture. HAHAHA we we were kinda naughty that day.

That's Ji yan, the tall one in the counter as the director, me the fat one as the last minute add in co-actor, the long hair girl is Zu qian showing her WTH face, and the skinny girl suet kei laughing all the way.....


Intro...... ME!!!!!

Ok i guess i'm the first one to introduce myself. Anyway..... my name is maxine, people call me max and i'm known as the famous sillypig.... *perasan
I like to enjoy life by filling it with laughters. *cold~~~shivers I love to make people laugh by all it means. Including making a fool out of myself. it just makes me happy then grumple all day.

I love dancing and singing especially shower singing. Although i often got the 'shut up' comment by a certain someone but still i go on with my 'career' hehehe. That's all about me but oh i do have a blog. Come and visit it whenver you're fre!

This is me! a bit blurr tho...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


What is 5 alpha??? a class la duh!!! We are students of 5 alpha in bandaraya girls school. Basically we post about our daily happenings in school. NO matter how shitty, or how idiotic, how embarassing the incident is, we will post it for you guys. If possible, we will try to post some pictures of us. As camera's are not allow in school so hope you guys will be patient. Oh by the way, this blog will be in various languages so if you guys don;t understand, don't hesitate to leave a comment. Thats all for the first blog so tata~~~~ See you soon!!!